It may be over, but there’s no doubt that Downton Abbey is still deeply beloved - so much so that it even managed a follow up film after the original series ended! This high-drama look at a manor house at the turn of the century was packed with great one-liners and incredible plot twists, and of course, it’s now become utterly memeable.

Focusing on those who are ringing the bells for the servants (with a few serving moments thrown in for good measure, because the two are impossible to truly separate), these are the memes that will have any Downton fan cracking up.

Poor Edith…

For most of the series, Edith is ‘Forever Alone’ in human form. Time and time again, this Crawley sister seemed to be inching closer to happiness, before having it whisked away again by some tragedy or other. It happened so often, and her sister Mary was so vicious about it, that it’s no wonder she can become a meme with just one word: nope.

Every Great British Fandom

This brilliant line from the Dowager Countess is a perfect one in and of itself - but there’s so much more to it, as this Tumblr user pointed out. Because Dame Maggie Smith and Penelope Wilton are big names, they’ve both been in other series and films with huge fandoms, and this post brings it all together. Smith was, of course, Professor McGonagall in Harry Potter, while Wilton was a particularly memorable MP (and later PM) in Doctor Who.

Wardrobe Fail, Downton Style

Whoops… who hasn’t walked into a party and realized that the dress code wasn’t quite what they were expecting? of course, the Egyptian look was for a fashion show, and was actually very accurate for high-fashion of the twenties, when Egypt was on trend… but surrounded by the much more sedate wardrobes of the other characters, this turns into the perfect shot for anyone feeling overdressed (or struggling with fashion and time travel, of course!).

Downton Of Oz

As the servants wait out front to greet a guest (which is why we can sneak this in as an ‘upstairs’ meme!), someone pointed out that these three characters have a whole lot in common with Dorothy’s companions in The Wizard of Oz.

Thomas is known as the most heartless of the servants (although he gets a softer side later on), Andrew is sweet, but not the brightest in the bunch, and of course, Molesley is ridiculously nervous. All they need is Dorothy and a pair of ruby slippers!

Downton Abbey On Tinder

There are plenty of phenomenal memes about the ways in which Downton Abbey characters might hit on each other, but this has to be a favorite. It’s got all the elements of a perfect cheesy pick up line; it’s complimentary, funny, and includes a pun… without being something that is just too vulgar for the rich and classy! And of course, extra points for the fact that many of the Downton Abbey pick up lines feature images of the Dowager Countess. Perfect choice!

How Very Vulgar Of You

Speaking of vulgar… it’s no surprise that the Dowager Countess is the subject of so many memes. She’s got a tongue that could cut diamond, and she is not afraid to say exactly what she thinks - which is often that the people around her are just a little lower class than she is.

And of course, given how devoted the Downton Abbey fandom is to their show, it’s easy to imagine any uber-fan getting this look on their face if someone says they don’t enjoy the series!

Fans Just Won’t Shut Up

Bates may be the buttoned up valet of the servants, but no one who watches the show can forget that he’s done hard time… and that there’s still quite a bit of the rough prisoner about him. And, of course, anyone who has dealt with a fan of the show who just can’t stop talking about it can appreciate just how he feels in this moment.

Westeros Abbey

Game of Thrones fans may already know that Iain Glen, who played Jorah Mormont, was also in Downton Abbey as Richard Carlisle… and it seems that when it comes to relationships, this guy just can’t get a break in any universe! Daenerys, although caring for him deeply, banished him and later fell for the dashing Jon Snow, while at Downton, Richard and Mary were engaged, but she broke it off for Matthew. He’s just got terrible luck with the ladies, it seems!

Haven’t We All Been This Mary?

While Mary Crawley isn’t always the most likable character in Downton Abbey, she’s often one of the most relatable. It’s faces like this that every fan knows they have made at least once, and while Mary doesn’t represent the very best side of fans, she definitely represents a side that we all know. And of course, Mary did get better throughout the series when it came to holding in those comments, but her face always showed that she was thinking them to herself!

Parenting, Downton Style

It’s almost easy to forget that there are actually children in Downton Abbey - even after one of the main characters actually dies in childbirth. This is because most of the time, the children are kept well out of sight and tended to by a nanny, which was completely normal at the time. Of course, these days, when being interactive with your children is practically a competitive sport, moms can watch the show happily. Either they can reassure themselves that they are a much better mother than Mary, or they can simply be proud that they put in far more work than mothers used to in general. Win win!