Out of all the crazy characters introduced in the recent Dragon Ball films, as well as their Dragon Ball Super adaptations, the most interesting are Beerus and Whis.

One is a destroyer god who rids the universe of life-threatening mortals, the other is his sassy angel attendant. It doesn’t get much more interesting than that. The gods of Dragon Ball are always interesting, as Akira Toriyama has a particular talent for presenting deities that are unique to the usual depictions of gods, and Beerus and Whis are excellent examples of this.

The creativity of Toriyama really shines through in Whis and Beerus, which is why there are a ton of strange and interesting facts about this strange and interesting pair. Everything from their relationship to their never-ending quest to try the tastiest foods in the universe, Beerus and Whis are chock full of fascinating trivia. As such, we decided to gather all these interesting facts in one place and give you some fun and strange facts about the pair.

What is Whis’ actual job? Do they have hobbies? What do their designs have in common? Find out here with 15 Dragon Ball Super: 15 Strange Facts About Beerus And Whis.


There’s a pretty interesting story behind the names of these two gods, and it starts with a misunderstanding. When Beerus was being written into Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, scriptwriter Yūsuke Watanabe wanted to name the character “Birisu,” a play on the word “Virus.” However, when Akira Toriyama heard the name, he thought it meant “Beers,” so he rolled with the alcohol theme and wanted to name his attendant accordingly.

This is where Whis’ name comes from, as it is a play on “Whiskey,” a naming trend/theme that would continue to be used for the other Gods of Destruction and their Angel attendants. For example, Beerus’ brother is named “Champa,” a play on “Champagne,” and Whis’ sister is named “Vados,” after Calvados, a type of brandy.


One might think that with a title like “God of Destruction,” Beerus would be the strongest being in his universe. However, this would be an incorrect assumption, as Whis is superior to Beerus in terms of power and knowledge. Whis’ power is far greater than that of the God of Destruction, which is why Goku and Vegeta were so eager to learn from him.

Whis is easily the strongest being in Universe 7.

His fighting power outclasses all other warriors and his magical powers give him a huge advantage over all that would challenge him. Whis also claims to be the fastest in the universe, which is true in both his reflexes and fighting speed as well as his travel speed.


What exactly is an Angel’s job? Well it entails a lot of important duties in regards to the Destroyer they are assigned to. As we just mentioned, Whis is much more powerful than Beerus. Part of the reason for this is because Angels are assigned to Destroyers to teach them how to harness and properly use their destruction power. This, however, is just one of Whis’ jobs.

The other main duty of an Angel is to act as their Destroyer’s attendant. This might seem like a vague term, but it essentially means that Whis tends to all of Beerus’ basic needs; keeping his schedule, bringing him to meet with different planets, keeping him fed, etc. It might sound a bit boring, but they wouldn’t put an all-powerful deity in charge of it if it wasn’t an important job.


What exactly is a Destroyer’s purpose? Well, as his title implies, Beerus’ job as a God of Destruction is to rid the universe of beings that are a threat to mortal life, meaning people like Frieza or other planet-conquering murders. Beerus isn’t perfect, and he has destroyed a few planets because of his short temper or because of the destructive power of his sneezes.

Because of this, Whis is equipped with a special power made specifically for cleaning up Beerus’ messes whenever he accidentally destroys something he wasn’t supposed to. This ability is known as a Temporal Do-Over and it allows Whis to turn back time three minutes; just long enough to fix a mistake without damaging the flow of time. It says a lot about Whis’ confidence in Beerus that he developed this power, doesn’t it?


Whis is by no means an underling of Beerus.

Though he attends to his needs and takes care of his messes, Whis is, in a lot of ways, Beerus’ superior.

Though he might not command him or control his actions directly, he outclasses him in terms of power and reports directly to Zeno about the Destroyer’s actions. In fact, Whis has no problem throwing Beerus under the bus when it comes to this, as seen in Dragon Ball Super.

In the Unvierse 6 saga of Super, Zeno pops in for a surprise visit with the Destroyers of Universes 6 and 7 after their tournament. While there, Zeno is informed by Whis that Beerus has not been takin his duties as a God of Destruction seriously, stating that he is more concerned with napping and eating food than anything. Man, that’s just cold, Whis.


Beerus is known to sleep for quite a long time. This is thought to be due to his Destroyer powers taking quite the toll on his body, meaning he has to rest for a long time to recover. Whatever the reason, Beerus has trouble waking up after these long sleeps, and Whis has just as much trouble getting him to wake up.

Whis once tried to get Beerus up with his singing voice, and just the proposal alone was enough to wake Beerus up.

Clearly, Beerus doesn’t think too highly of Whis’ singing, and from the small sample we heard, we don’t blame him. Whis might be a powerful deity with various magical powers and abilities, but he definitely can’t carry a tune!


When Whis told Zeno that Beerus spends more time eating than doing his godly duties, he failed to mention that he himself was guilty of the same thing. Both Whis and Beerus are obsessed with food, with the latter going so far as to destroy planets with bad food and the former exhibiting very eccentric and ecstatic reactions to his favorite meals.

Food is a big motivator for the two characters.

Beerus decides whether or not a planet will be destroyed based on the quality of the food, as seen when he spared the Earth because of how good the cuisine was. Whis is very much the same, as Vegeta was able to receive training from him by bribing him with food he had never tasted before.


Speaking of Vegeta training Whis, the Saiyan prince as able to convince Whis to teach him how to fight with the delicious power of instant ramen. This bribe occurred during one of Whis’ many outings to Earth without Beerus.

Whis loves Earth food so much that he often accepts any invitation of Bulma’s to come to Earth and try a new restaurant or style of food.

Beerus is almost always left out of these outings, which seems like a bit of a betrayal between two foodies. Regardless of how cold it is of Whis to try new food without Beerus, these lunch dates with Bulma serve to keep her and the Earth in the good graces of Whis and Beerus. Besides, Whis usually brings back some leftovers for Beerus to try.


Fusions were a big part of Dragon Ball lore in the Buu saga, but have since sort of faded into the background. Sure, Vegito was used in the Goku Black saga, but otherwise, we don’t see much of fusion - at least in the main canon of the franchise. In the world of Dragon Ball video games, however, Fusion lives on, especially in the aptly titled Dragon Ball Fusions.

In this game there is one fusions that stands amongst the rest as being easily on of the most powerful beings in all of Dragon Ball lore. We are, of course, talking about the fusion between Beerus and Whis, otherwise known as Whirus.

Whirus has all the power of a destroyer god and an Angel, which means he must be one of the most deadly fusions in all of existence.


Despite the fact that he works for/with Beerus, Whis’s attitude toward him is sort of indifferent. Sure, he cares about what he does in terms of fulfilling his godly duties, but otherwise, Whis doesn’t have that much of an investment in the Destroyer of Universe 7.

Even when Beerus destroys a planet out of anger, Whis doesn’t often use his temporal do-over to fix it.

This indifference can also be seen in the Tournament of power when the rules of the fight are being explained. When Great Priest states that any universe that is knocked out will be erased, he mentions that the Angels will not be wiped from existence and will be given a new assignment. When Beerus hears this rule, Whis just acts indifferent about the whole ordeal.


The reason that Whis doesn’t seem to care all that much about Beerus’ actions and/or fate is because, at the end of the day, Beerus is just an assignment. Like the other Angels, Whis was sent to a universe to tend to and teach its newest God of Destruction how to handle theri Destoyer power. Though their relationship isn’t quite as stale as just “caretaker and charge,” Whis is still there by obligation, not because he wants to be.

Knowing this, we are a bit curious as to what it is that Whis did before being assigned to Beerus. Was he working for another Destroyer? Was he training with his sister, Vados? Or was he created purely for the purpose of tending to whatever Destroyer God appeared next?


While we’re on the subject of Whis and Beerus’ professional relationship, let’s talk about how long Whis’ assignment has lasted. By various accounts, and judging by how often Beerus takes 50-year-long naps, we know that Whis has been Beerus’ attendant for quite some time.

An exact time isn’t ever stated; we just know that it has lasted “eons.”

Though Whis is mostly indifferent to Beerus’ actions, it is clear that working together for so long has led the two to have some kind of rapport with each other. There are times when their relationship seems more friendly than professional. Regardless, for two gods gifted with longevity by their deity status, we imagine all those “eons” spent together don’t really seem that long to them.


Pretend you don’t know who these characters are and take a good look at them. Which would you assume is the one with the godly title? It’s Whis, right? Seriously, look at his Angel garb! It practically screams “deity,” and though Beerus also looks like he could be the god of something, Whis’ look appears a bit more divine in nature.

This is exactly the mistake that both Goku and Future Trunks made when they first met the pair. Goku thought that Whis was the God of Destruction instead of Beerus in both Battle of Gods and Dragon Ball Super. Future Trunks made the same assumption based on their attire in the Goku Black saga of Super, both instances angering the true God of Destruction.


Speaking of Beerus and Whis’ fashion senses, take another look at their clothes. Notice anything? All the Gods of Destruction and Angels wear specific clothing that reflects their titles and positions. Both outfits share one part in common: the patterns.

Both Whis and Beerus have diamond shapes on their clothing. It’s a trend that also occurs with other Gods of Destruction, seen in the circle patterns that both Champa and Vados both have on their clothing. This represents the relationship between a God of Destruction and their assigned Angel, though whether it is the Destroyer wearing a pattern to represent their martial arts master or the Angel representing their Destroyer is unclear.

Either way, it is one of the more interesting bits about the designs of these characters.


Last but not least, we have one final fun fact about Whis and his duties to Beerus. Remember how Whis stated he was the fastest in the Universe? That is technically true, since he is able to travel at near light-speed from planet to planet or galaxy to galaxy. What does this have to do with Beerus? Well, the God of Destruction uses this ability of Whis’ as his primary form of transport.

Whis is able to travel from Beerus’ world to Earth in a matter of minutes, and he is easily able to bring any amount of passengers along with him.

Beerus used this method of transportation when meeting with the leaders of Planets or seeking out threats to destroy. He also used it to Travel to King Kai’s planet and eventually Earth when he was first introduced in the franchise. Do you think Whis charges by the mile?

Do you have any other trivia to share about Dragon Ball’s Beerus and Whis? Let us know in the comments!