Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is giving players a free update that adds in a time machine and allows them to travel back to old quests and complete additional objectives. The new Dragon Ball Z title released on January 17th, and has been praised for its interesting combat and story presentation. The game follows the first four storylines of the show (Saiyan, Frieza, Cell, and Buu), but most of the fluff has been cut from those arcs. New explanations have been proposed as well for long standing fan questions about the series.

The battle system is very similar to that of other Dragon Ball Z titles. Players throw punches, charge their ki, and launch powerful special attacks at their enemies. Combat has been simplified a lot though for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. Most of the time players get in close for a combo until they see an opportunity for a special attack. To switch it up, some enemies are capable of countering any of the attacks that players throw at them.

Bandai Namco announced on their official Twitter page that Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot would be getting the new time machine feature. The new update will give players a sub quest to complete that will unlock the time machine. From there players can use the machine to travel back to any of the older arcs and even complete side quests that they may have missed or skipped out on. The title is full of quests that are easy to miss, so this will make sure players can access everything that Kakarot has to offer.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot features a fairly big open world that players can explore at their leisure. The game doesn’t actually force you to do anything outside of the main quests though. Players are perfectly able to just rush through the main story beats and barely even scratch the surface of the open world. If they so choose players can also spend hours fishing, collecting materials, or just flying around the beautiful landscape. If players get bored enough they can even take up modding in characters like Shaggy from Scooby Doo.

The Dragon Ball Z franchise seems to constantly be churning out new games that rehash the same story points. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot doesn’t improve much over its predecessors, but does change the formula by adding in new RPG elements to the franchise. Players may find the entire world a lot to take in at once and therefore accidentally miss a lot that the game has to offer. Luckily with the new time machine update players can rest easy knowing that anything they miss can be always be checked out at a later date.

Next: Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Gets Day One Patch

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot can be played on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One now.

Source: Bandai Namco