So you’ve scoured every nook and cranny of every island and still can’t find them. You’re beginning to wonder if they even exist at all.

Chances are, you’ve passed them at least 3 times already. I can’t blame you either; they’re hiding in plain sight. They look extraordinarily like the white flowers used for healing cream. I passed them about 10 times before finally discovering them.

Unless you’re familiar with potato plants, you probably wouldn’t know that potatoes have flowers on them. In Dragon Quest Builders, the potatoes all have white flowers, but they can bloom as dark as deep violet in real life. They look like this before their dug up for their tasty roots:

Refer to the header picture for an in-game photo of potato plants.

Now, to find potatoes in Dragon Quest Builders, stock up and head through the Red Teleportal. Follow the winding swamp North until you find yourself in front of the expansive brick area with Skeletons and Legerdemen out to fry headless Builders. Attack all of the “white flowers” in sight. You’ll quickly find that they’re really potato plants.

Take a moment and examine the potato plant. It’s just a smidgen taller than the White Flower, but the main takeaway is the yellow center. This is your identifier for potato plants.

After you’ve gathered yourself a large stock of potatoes, it’s time to finish your farm and heal your sick villagers. Simply drop a few potatoes on your transfusion machine to craft some seeds and plant them in tilled soil to make sure you’ll always have some potatoes ready.

Use the rest for food. You can never have enough food in Dragon Quest Builders, and meals with Potatoes recover plenty of hunger.

Can’t find Cod? Coarse Cloth? Never fear, GameSkinny has you covered. Check out our beginner’s guide for more Dragons Quest Builders tips and tricks. Stuck on something else? Request a guide in the comments below.