A video of Drake in a meeting has circulated around the web with a statement from the Canadian rapper irritating certain individuals. The rapper is seen with short hair, and his unique heart configuration blurred into the front of his hairline, which recommends the video is from at some point last year as he wore the exceptional trim to commend his ‘Affirmed Lover Boy’ collection.


It’s the explanation that Drake makes that has individuals extremely worked up as the rapper has all the earmarks of being talking about the year 2020 and says it is the most terrible year in mankind’s set of experiences.

Presently, the Covid-19 pandemic devastatingly affected nations across the world, with 6.4 million individuals biting the dust and in excess of 603 million being contaminated from the infection. Numerous nations shut down and prohibited social affairs to stop the infection. Thus, nations are presently managing a monetary slump as expansion rises, and the typical cost for many everyday items goes up. A few nations were likewise hard hit, and many individuals additionally lost their lives to Covid.

“The hardest year perhaps in mankind’s set of experiences that we’ve at any point had to deal with,” he starts while the video slices to unpropitious music with an unfilled road, and the camera focuses in on a sign that says, “Assuming you need unrecorded music back, wear a veil.”

“Disregard music, as a group like, the hardest chance to at any point associate with individuals, connect with individuals,” the rapper says in an unpropitious tone. It’s muddled where the video is from or what interview it was, however many individuals took to web-based entertainment to school the Toronto rapper.

“This is the reason ppl need to concentrate on history in light of the fact that wtf,” one individual composed on Instagram. “Stand by till he find out about servitude and isolation,” one more said. “Try not to say mankind’s set of experiences, say in the course of your life. Far most exceedingly awful have gone on. SMH Aubrey,” one more told him.

A portion of the rapper’s fans shouted out with all due respect.

— Eva Venus (@EvaVenus14) September 3, 2022

“He implied for this age,” one individual said. “He said that we’ve at any point survived. He must’ve implied our age,” one more said.