Although he was introduced in the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie as a tough-as-nails badass who would stop at nothing in his quest to avenge the death of his family, Drax has evolved into a more comical character as he’s opened himself up to the new family that he found with the other Guardians.

Dave Bautista was initially apprehensive about the comedic turn that Drax’s arc took in Vol. 2, but he eventually came to see it as an interesting development for the character and leaned into the absurdism of his scenes, resulting in some hysterical moments. So, here are Drax’s 10 funniest moments in the MCU, ranked.

Imagining Being With Mantis Physically

When Mantis comes into Drax’s bedroom in the middle of the night to warn him about the threat posed by Ego, he thinks she’s coming onto him. He tells her, “I tried to let you down easily by telling you I found you disgusting.” Then, as she tries to explain what she came in to tell him about, he starts gagging as he’s “imagining being with you physically.”

Dave Bautista has said that this is probably his scene with the most outtakes, because he struggled to keep a straight face while pretending that Pom Klementieff is ugly.

Ignoring Tony Stark’s Plan

In Avengers: Infinity War, while Tony Stark is outlining a strategy for the Battle of Titan, he catches Drax in a bored yawn and says, “Are you yawning? In the middle of this, while I’m breaking it down?” Drax tells him, “I stopped listening after you said, ‘We need a plan,’” and Quill explains to Tony, “See, not winging it isn’t really what they do.”

Admittedly, Tony’s plan was terrible. If they’d gone with that plan, Thanos would’ve killed them all in seconds. It was Quill’s plan – catching the Mad Titan by surprise – that actually gave them a fighting chance.

Laughing At Quill

When the Guardians first meet Mantis and she tells them about her power of empathy, she uses it to tap into Quill’s feelings. While she’s in his head, she finds out he’s in love with Gamora and reveals it to everybody.

Drax immediately bursts into a fit of hysterical laughter. He cries out, “She just told everyone your deepest, darkest secret! You must be so embarrassed!” Mantis taps into Drax’s feelings to join in the laughter, enjoying a level of hilarity she’s never known before.

“This Is A Man.”

In Avengers: Infinity War, after Thor bumps into the Benatar’s windshield, the Guardians bring him on board and find that he’s not dead. Quill says, “How the hell is this dude still alive?”

In an impassioned moment of man-love, Drax says, “He is not a dude. You’re a dude. This is a man. A handsome, muscular man.” When the God of Thunder comes to, he says, “Who the hell are you guys?,” which made a great stinger at the end of the first trailer for Infinity War.

“Mantis! Look Out!”

Drax can always be counted on to undercut a sweeping, dramatic, epic moment with some absurd humor. During the final battle of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, as the characters regroup in Ego’s core, a falling piece of debris hits Mantis in the head, knocking her to the ground.

Two or three seconds too late, when Mantis is already down, Drax yells, “Mantis! Look out!” It’s a delightfully ridiculous moment.

Telling Quill About Those Who Dance And Those Who Don’t

Dave Bautista always does a fantastic job of playing Drax’s lines completely straight. Whenever he’s describing customs and attitudes from his planet, he fully commits to it. When he’s giving Quill advice about his crush on Gamora, he tells him that they don’t have enough in common for a relationship to work.

He describes what first drew him to his late wife: “The most melodic song in the world could be playing. She wouldn’t even tap her foot.” Of course, love wins out and Quill continues to pursue a relationship with Gamora.

“I Have Singlehandedly Vanquished The Beast!”

In the opening set piece of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, following the prologue in which Ego planted himself on Earth, the Guardians are protecting some Anulax Batteries from an interdimensional creature for the Sovereign.

Drax decides to jump into the creature’s mouth to attack it from the inside, a decision that baffles the other Guardians, because the skin will be the same thickness from the inside as the outside. After Gamora takes down the creature, Drax takes credit, believing that he has “singlehandedly vanquished the beast.”

“Why Is Gamora?”

In Avengers: Infinity War, after Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Doctor Strange arrive on Titan, they’re ambushed by the Guardians of the Galaxy. Star-Lord grabs Spidey and holds a Quad Blaster to his head.

He says, “Where is Gamora?,” assuming the trio to be working for Thanos. Iron Man quips back, “I’ll do you one better. Who is Gamora?” Drax then hilariously says, “I’ll do you one better. Why is Gamora?”

“Nothing Goes Over My Head.”

Drax’s funniest characteristic is that he takes everything literally and doesn’t understand metaphors. The best example of this is when he didn’t understand the meaning of a metaphor about how he doesn’t understand metaphors.

When Quill calls Drax a “walking thesaurus” and he doesn’t get it, Rocket explains that Drax’s species is “completely literal. Metaphors are gonna go over his head.” Drax hilarious quips, “Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it.”

Thinking He’s Imperceptible To The Eye

At the end of a tender emotional moment between Quill and Gamora in Avengers: Infinity War, the two notice Drax standing in the room, completely still, eating a bag of zarg-nuts. He thinks that he’s so still, and his hand is moving zarg-nuts into his mouth so slowly, that he is imperceptible to the eye.

However, they quickly tell him that he’s not imperceptible and they can clearly see him. Then, Mantis comes in and immediately says, “Hi, Drax,” and he finally realizes he’s not as invisible as he thinks he is.