Making delivery possible within minutes to an hour is what postmates offer especially food delivery. A delivery driver at Postmates became higher in demand in020, meaning all you have to do is meet up application specifications and will be employed immediately. Working for a company like Postmates is relaxing and highly rewarding.

Postmate, what type of company Is it?

Postmates is a delivery company formed in San Francisco in 2011. It was founded with the idea of getting anything delivered within a short period. Just by using the Postmates app customers could place orders on anything starting from food to groceries and even gadgets. Then a delivery driver will pick it up and deliver the requested item.

Benefits of working as a Postmate Driver

They are lots of benefits from working with Postmates;

You get paid well for every time spent and you might even get an additional tip once you offer a generous and gaeasilyervice

Another huge benefit for many people who work as a drive for Postmates is the ability to create an adjustable plan and have a balance at work.

 It helps you to create a kind of structure where you will have control of your time as you can choose to take deliveries whenever you want.

You can also maximize your earnings by working additional hours, taking advantage of incentives, and providing the kind of great customer relationship that’s compensated with good tips.

What is required to be a Postmate Driver?

They are requirements to become a Postmates driver;

1)You must the age requirement, depending on the terms and conditions handed to you, but it is mostly 18.

  1. You must have a vehicle and a valid driver’s license.

  2. You must pass the background inspection before your application will be approved.

  3. You must own a newer version of your smartphone.

4 Steps to Applying as a Postmates Driver;

Step 1:This is where you set up your Postmate account, go to their website at and you’ll be required to fill in some information such as your email address, country code, home address e.t.c after which will be asked to sign up.

Step2: Next, you’ll be asked to verify your identity by uploading your picture and other documents.

Step3: Then the company will send you an unactivated Prepaid token to use when picking up orders for customers that are yet to pay.

Step 4: You will only be approved after Postmates have completed your background inspection, after this, you are ready to start making some cash.

Earning in Postmate, Is it worth it?

There is no fixed amount to the earning as a Postmates driver, it all depends on the distance travelled for delivery, time spent waiting to pick up orders, and how many orders you can complete per hour, but you can earn up to $30 per hour.

Postmate pays all drivers through bank deposit and all payments are forwarded to your account within 4 business days based on the number of hours you worked.

The Disadvantages of Drive For Postmates

1)Postmate sees you as independent you will be accountable for paying levies on your earnings.

2)Postmate will not pay for the maintenance and every other cost of using your vehicle.

3)You can’t predict the amount you will earn in an hour, it could be small, it could be high, it could be nothing at all.

4)Locations are not always right and you might sometimes find yourself delivering at the wrong place.


Working as a driver for postmates is one of the less stressful jobs that pay well. Once you meet the requirement, you can keep earning at your convenience. It can be hectic and fun at the same time based on the types of customers you meet but it is an extremely reasonable way to make more money and live a better life.

Q1. Does Postmates pay drivers for expenses?

No, Postmate does not pay for any expenses. They see you as a contractor thus, you are responsible for any payments incurred.

Q2. Will I earn tips as a Postmate driver?

You will if you offer a generous service to customers, but it is optional for a customer to give tips.

Q3. Can I only use a bike to make drive for Postmates?

You can also use a bike if you prefer and have access to it depending on the type of contract you have with the company.

Q4. Can I lose my job at Postmates?

Yes, you can lose your contract if you violate the rules.