Tips that can help you safely get to your destination: 

Slow down

The first thing any motorist caught up in the rain should do is slow down. You don’t want to be overspeeding on a wet and slippery road with no clear vision. In case of an emergency brake, you may find yourself skidding off the road, which can be fatal. It’s always advisable to drive at a slow speed. This will ensure you’re composed and able to react well in case of an emergency.

Turn on your headlights 

The next thing should be to turn on the headlights. In most places, the law requires motorists to turn on their headlights in rainy weather. This is very important because rains hinder your vision making it easy to cause an accident unknowingly. Therefore, turning on the headlight is an important safety precaution.

Utilize the wipers

This seems obvious and a natural reaction, but sometimes one can forget to apply the wipers. As the rains hit the windshield, it’s important to continually wipe them to maintain a clear vision of the road. Hence it’s important to ensure that your wipers are always in a good condition. 

Defog the inside of the windshield

The difference in temperatures between the inside of the car and the outside results in condensation which makes the inside of the windshield foggy hence hindering clear vision. To reduce the fog, turn up the air conditioner to reduce humidity inside the car. You can also manually wipe the fog if it persists. 

Maintain a safe following distance from the next motorist

In many places, the safe following distance between motorists is three seconds. During rainy weather, it becomes even more crucial to observe this safety precaution. This ensures that in case the next motorist applies an emergency brake, you’ll have sufficient time to avoid hitting the car. 

Do not slam on the breaks

As it rains on the roads, the roads become wet and very slippery. The loss of friction between the car tires and the road can cause the car to easily slide. This risk of sliding can be accelerated by heavy braking. Therefore, it’s advisable that as a motorist, you should avoid slamming on the brakes. Instead, gradually apply the brakes to prevent the car from sliding. 

Ensure your tires’ treads are in good shape

If your car has worn-out tires, it will be dangerous and almost impossible to navigate through a wet and slippery road. Therefore, it’s important to have your tires in good shape. Good tires have treads that have grooves that are deep enough to ensure a firm grip on the road. This increases friction between the tire and the road making it easy for the car to move without sliding. Therefore, it’s important to always ensure your car tires have the perfect grip.

Avoid driving through puddles of water

Heavy rains will leave behind puddles of water on the road. Driving through such puddles may cause the car to skid uncontrollably. Motorists should avoid puddles of water while driving.

Be sober and cautious

It’s important to always be sober and cautious when driving but it’s even more important when you’re driving in the rain. Drive with all your senses being aware that no driver around you is sane. With the low visibility, you can be hit from behind at any moment or you can ram into another motorist unknowingly. Therefore, it’s very important to be alert and sober when driving in the rain.

Don’t drive when you need not to

Lastly, it’s not a must that you drive through the heavy downpour, especially when there’s no medal in doing it. Assess the extent of the rain and the dangers involved in driving. If it’s not necessary, you can wait until the weather becomes favorable before you continue with your journey. 


Driving in the rain does not have to be that scary and depressing thing you always dread. With the above tips and safety precautions, you can easily navigate the wet roads and arrive at your destination safely.