The password manager industry is going through some changes. Dropbox has announced it will launch a free password manager in April, while LastPass’ free offering is changing today.

If you have an account on Dropbox you can manage your passwords for free beginning next month with the Dropbox Basic account, although it will limit it to 50 passwords.

If you pay Dropbox $11.99 per month for a Plus account, you can use Dropbox Password with no limits, and it will allow users to securely share password to other accounts.

Further, LastPass announced last month that it would make a few changes to the free version of its software, and those changes are taking effect today.

Starting today, LastPass Free only includes access on unlimited devices of one type, which means: you can only access your passwords on your computer or on your smartphone.

The user can switch the main device three times, but after that, if the user is willing to stay in the free version, they’ll have to choose the mobile app or the desktop version.

For a limited time, LastPass is offering a discount on Premium subscriptions, so if you’re looking to add a paid-password manager to your day-to-day life, now could be the time. But of course, all Apple devices support iCloud Keychain for free as well.