Dropbox today officially announced its Dropbox for Business API allowing corporate IT systems to integrate the cloud-syncing platform for businesses into their own solutions. Dropbox says its newly announced Business API (application programming interface) will let developers take advantage of “team-level functionality”  and corporate partners to further integrate Dropbox for Business into their own systems. Specifically, the Dropbox for Business API will provide the following benefits for partners:

  • eDiscovery & legal hold: Integrations with services like Guidance and Nuix enable secure search, as well as the ability to collect and preserve electronically stored information (ESI) in Dropbox for Business accounts — making it possible for admins to easily respond to litigation, arbitration, and regulatory investigations.
  • Security information and event management (SIEM) and analytics: With integrations like Splunk, Domo, and General Audit Tool, it’s easy for Dropbox for Business admins to oversee employee activity and manage sensitive data, so IT can have even more visibility and control.
  • Data loss prevention (DLP): Integrations with services like CirroSecure, CloudLock, Elastica, Netskope, and Skyhigh Networks provide enterprise-class DLP, auditing and compliance functionality, and easy management of sensitive data stored in Dropbox for Business.
  • Digital rights management (DRM): With partnerships like Dell Data Protection, nCrypted Cloud, and Sookasa, companies in highly regulated industries can add additional client-side encryption and decryption for company data stored in Dropbox for Business accounts.
  • Identity management & single sign-on (SSO): External identity providers like Active Directory keep Dropbox for Business teams authenticated in a scalable way. Integrations are available through solutions like Centrify, Meldium, Microsoft Azure AD, Okta, OneLogin, and Ping Identity.
  • Data migration and on-premises backup: Easily transfer large amounts of data between locations and secure sensitive information with on-site data backup from services like Mover and SkySync.
  • Custom workflows enhanced by Dropbox: We provide the tools to build in-house apps that integrate Dropbox into your business processes. Several Dropbox for Business customers are already leveraging the Dropbox Platform to enhance their internal workflows, and services like IBM WebSphere Cast Iron make it even easier to drag and drop connections to dozens of other enterprise systems.

Dropbox says developers can also use the Dropbox for Business API to expand their apps, and the company is hosting a webinar next Thursday to promote the new API for businesses.

News of Dropbox’s Business API follows last month’s partnership between the cloud company and Microsoft with Office integration introduced in Dropbox’s own apps as well as the productivity suite.