DuckDuckGo, the popular search engine alternative to Google has announced today that its address and map searches on mobile and desktop are now powered by Apple’s MapKit JS framework. DuckDuckGo is one of the first companies to rely on MapKit for its data and touts the privacy that the move brings to its users.

DuckDuckGo shared the news on its blog today:

The company said it is excited to be working with Apple to “set a new standard of trust online, and we hope you’ll enjoy this update.” It is also seeking feedback from users to help improve searches.

The update means Apple Maps will be seen in DuckDuckGo as embedded in private search results as well as in the Maps tab.

DuckDuckGo highlighted how it keeps all maps queries anonymous:

You can read more about anonymous localized search results here.

Meanwhile, Apple is working on a massive overhaul to its Maps that have started to trickle out to users in certain regions.