The new world is based on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, the second Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series which revolves around main character Jaden Yuki – Judai Yuki in Japan – and his adventures at Duel Academy. To unlock the new world, players must have reached at least level eight. Players then must complete the character unlock goals to unlock Jaden Yuki and select him to unlock Duel World (GX).

Other confirmed unlockable characters include Chazz Princeton, Aster Phoenix, and Alexis Rhodes. At the moment, it seems that only Yu-Gi-Oh GX characters can be used in Duel World (GX) and only original series characters can be used in normal Duel World. The new Generation Next booster pack, and new Legendary Warriors and Hero Rising structure decks for Joey Wheeler and Jaden Yuki, respectively, were also released alongside the update.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is available on Android through Google Play and iOS via App store. The game will also be released on PC sometime this Winter.