Moreover, his nursery bloomed with the assurance and oversight of his a lot more seasoned cousins (who had their own young development). Duke Diamond is a raiser, producer, and by and large MacGyver of everything cannabis. He is a steward of the cannabis heritage and the hereditary establishments that have developed victors.

He was captured in Missouri in late October 2019 on allegations disconnected to CANNABIS. Afterward, he was detained in Missouri for a (non-drug-related) wrongdoing. Yet, he posted bond, and the state dropped the case, which was taken over by the FEDS.

Duke is likewise a hitched man, having a spouse named Jessica and kids. Besides, he has a GoFundMe page called “Duke Diamond Family Relief Fund,” which has an objective of 60,000 dollars and is currently at approximately 56,082.  Around May 7, 2021, a client named Classicskunk1986 requested assistance in Duke Diamon’s help reserve. He asserts he was detained in Missouri.

Duke is notable for his work with a few legacy works of art, for example, the old skunk and afghan lines that have been gone down through the ages in and around Virginia.

In like manner, he has additionally worked with vintage Afghans, for example, the Va Beach Afghan, the G13, the 88g13hp, and the Skelly HP. The extremely intense afghans that were the foundation of the cannabis market in the last part of the 1980s and mid 1990s are safeguarded in these lines.