For starters, there is an all-new episode, which was created by original designers of the franchise Allen Blum III and Richard “Levelord” Gray. The level brings a total of 8 new maps. There’s also a new weapon, the INCINERATOR, which is supposed to come in handy against the new “Firefly” enemies.

The sound aspect of the game was also taken into account. With the re-recording of all catch phrases by original voice actor, Jon St. John! Expect some new phrases as well. The new level, which is supposed to take you around the world, has also been treated by Lee Jackson, composer of the soundtrack and the Duke’s theme for the original release.

This is all great and all, but sadly the game doesn’t include other add-ons released after the game was published back in the day. It releases under the name: Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour. So far the game has received many good reviews and, if you want the physical copy, GameStop is selling it for $19.99 USD – the same price of the digital copy.

Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour is out now for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.