Here we have Marvel’s own adventuring party, The Guardians of the Galaxy. A popular fan theory even toys with the idea that the Avengers team are playing the Guardians of the Galaxy films as a table-top RPG game. If it was an RPG game, what classes would Star Lord and his crew be?

The list is made up of both heroes and villains, and not as many Rogues as you might think!

Peter Quill/Star-Lord: Rogue/Fighter Multi-Class

Peter Quill has an interesting history when it comes to leveling. He started out as a Ravager, a gang of thieves who also have plenty of fighting skills. This group could be compared to a typical Thieves Guild. Our first impression of him is as a Rogue, someone who comes in disguise and succeeds through deception or stealth.

By the end of the first movie, he’s traded in his Rogue skills for the moment to level up as a Fighter. He seems to have his feet planted firmly in both classes, and that’s what a multiclass character does.

Gamora and Nebula: Fighters

Straightforward and aggressive, these daughters of Thanos always come right at their foes and keep them on the defense. Damage and destruction is the focus. When Star-Lord meets Gamora, it’s hard to tell if she’s deliberately putting him off-guard when they first meet, or if she’s just casually enjoying a light snack before kicking him in the stomach and snatching the orb.

Younger sister Gamora obsesses over defeating her sister in combat, so much so that she almost gets both of them killed thanks to some unresolved childhood issues. Both sisters prefer knives and swords in melee combat but are also proficient in ranged weapons.

Ronan The Accuser: Cleric

The hammer is incredible, and that’s our first clue. Our second is clothing. Ronin dresses in heavy fabrics with nary any plate to be found. He doesn’t need them, as he has some impressive powers. There’s another prominent Cleric in the MCU, Thor, who clearly has a different alignment than Lawful Evil Ronan.

Comparing the two of them is interesting, however, as they have similar motivations. Anyone interested in role-playing a Cleric with an Evil alignment should take a closer look at Ronan the Accuser.

Groot and Rocket: Druid and Ranger

Here’s an interesting team if there ever was one, but who is the animal companion as opposed to the Druid or Ranger? Both are anthropomorphic and humanoid, but if you were playing D&D what race, never mind class, could either be? Druids are the class that is overwhelmingly associated with trees, but they can take on any animal form. And Rocket already is an animal.

Going by D&D rules, Rocket is the Druid, as he has taken on an animal form. Groot would have to be the Ranger, since his animal companion is Rocket. It’s important to remember that Groot isn’t exactly a tree as we know them, but part of a whole race of beings that resemble trees. “Groot” isn’t just a series of grunts and the same phrase over and over but an authentic language, which Thor actually speaks.

Drax: Barbarian

The character with the least nuance, Drax is probably the easiest on the team to classify. His utility with virtually any kind of weapon is one, although he seems to like daggers, and he’s brutal in hand to hand combat. Typical of a Barbarian, he didn’t roll very high for Intellect, although his Wisdom score might be a bit higher.

His language is blunt and honest, and he doesn’t hold back his laughter. If that isn’t enough to convince you, the lack of any shirt is yet another indication of his class.

Mantis: Monk

Mantis was adopted at an early age by Ego for a single specific purpose, which might make her a Wizard. But her powers are genetically inherent, not learned, and Ego didn’t seem to train her in any way. This might make her a Sorcerer instead, but the school of magic she practices also rules this out. We can’t use her weapons as a determination because she doesn’t have any. This might rule other classes out, but one becomes apparent. Mantis is a Monk.

In Dungeons and Dragons, Monks are raised in isolation and learn to use the Magic of Ki to enhance their mental and physical abilities. Mantis is not a Monk who fights. Instead, she uses her powers to support her peers and for crowd control. The intuitive powers she uses to read emotions and feelings aren’t necessarily magical, but a natural ability that is enhanced.

Yondu Udanta: Rogue

Like Peter, Yondu is one of the Ravagers. As a Captain of one of the Ravager ships, however, Yondu is pure Rogue. His fighting skills are also impressive and can be both stealthy and explosive, but he doesn’t fight in close combat very often and retains certain abilities when it comes to stealth and deception. Like Gamora and Nebula, his focus is on damage and taking the first shot. His character arc, as symbolized by the change in alignment, may be the farthest reaching of any character in the MCU.

He was a villain in the first Guardians of the Galaxy, probably Neutral or Lawful Evil. In the second film, he pivots completely the other way. His final act of sacrifice, where he choose Good over Evil, was one of the most profound moments in the MCU.

Ego: Sorcerer

Ego is a Sorcerer. Born with innate abilities, a vast sense of arrogance, violent, deceptive, of an Evil alignment and really overpowered. Ego doesn’t throw fireballs or frost and seems to prefer the arcane as a school of magic. He also hasn’t had much training, other than learning from example. He even wears a cape.

Celestials are ancient and powerful beings, according to Nova Prime. It was Ego’s genetics that allowed Peter to hold the Infinity Stone for as long as he did. Celestials were powerful enough to manipulate the Infinity Stones and are even older and more powerful than Asgardians. It took a huge explosion and the power of a Celestial, channelled through Peter, to destroy him.