2017 will be a huge year for Heroes of the Storm, given the revamp of their eSports division, extensions from the newly introduced brawl mode, and more and more heroes added every couple of weeks. Dabiri is no stranger to these additions, as he was key component in the creation of the Heroes Brawl mode.

But Brawl won’t be his only focus as he takes the lead chair. Dabiri tells Polygon he has big plans for the eSports scene as well.

Dabiri goes on to say the team will continue to look into in-game match spectating as well. 

Browder has been an important voice in the Heroes community as a strong connection between the corporate side of HotS and the true fans of the game. With Twitter response marathons for virtually any question under the sun, to game updates and a look inside the developer team, his shoes will certainly be difficult to fill. 

He took time in his announcement to show respect for the game he’s been lead of for three years. 

Browder will be staying in the Blizzard family, but it’s unclear what project he’ll be working on next.