Dwayne Johnson has offered his approval for ‘The Rock Test’ for sexual harassment. Hollywood has recently been the site of a pretty big scandal. After multiple women came forward with accusations of sexual harassment and assault against him, producer Harvey Weinstein has found himself without a wife or a production company. More and more stories have been coming to light, not only about how Weinstein treated women, but the various men in the movie business who were silent throughout. Hollywood is starting to speak out.

Not that Weinstein is the only person to have been accused of mistreating women in Hollywood lately. His accusations have come on the heels of actress Amber Tamblyn publicly sharing a story about a time actor James Woods treated her very inappropriately. Casey Affleck was nominated for and won an Oscar earlier this year in spite of two sexual harassment lawsuits filed against him. Bill Cosby has been accused of multiple counts of rape. Sexual harassment in the workplace has certainly become a topic of conversation in Hollywood, and the women who work there are speaking out more and more.

Recently, Anne Victoria Clark decided to do something about sexual harassment in the workplace - with a Hollywood twist. She penned a Medium post and came up with the simple life hack that men can use to avoid sexually harassing women at work with a little association game - they should just imagine the woman they are talking to is actually Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. And Johnson took to Twitter to offer his full support of ‘The Rock Test’ for sexual harassment.

Cool to see the big response to this from @annevclar. When you men approach woman, just think of me ??#TheRockTest https://t.co/0l89HaE3JX— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) October 11, 2017

Clark’s humorous and simple test encourages the men who might be thinking of crossing the line with their female co-workers to ask themselves a simple question: would they say this if they were talking to The Rock? While it may be amusing to think of a man asking a muscular former pro-wrestler on a date, it also points out a pretty simple thing to consider when talking to others. If you wouldn’t say something personal to a man, than it’s probably not okay to say it to a woman either.

Clark’s article offers examples of common occurrences that can happen in the workplace, such as a meeting over coffee, a one-on-one meeting to discuss a project, or a group outing for drinks to celebrate some endeavor. Clark points out that no matter how pretty the female co-workers are, if men just imagine Johnson instead, they will remember that their co-workers are driven, determined, hard-working, and not interested in a date. And they probably can kill you with any number of office supplies. Just like The Rock could.

Next: The Rock’s Fast & Furious Spinoff Set For 2019 Release

Source: Dwayne Johnson